Episode 47 Quinn Royston Calculates the Future of Data Storage in Dog Pics and Cat Videos

Episode 47 Quinn Royston Calculates the Future of Data Storage in Dog Pics and Cat Videos

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Artificial Intelligence. AI for. short. The looming nemisis of employees and business in the next decade?

Maybe yes, unless you have a game plan.

We talk about how businesses like yours and mine can harness the potential and not be eaten by competitors who leverage AI and data in the coming decade.

Quinn Royston is an AI & Data Science Specialist with a demonstrated history of helping business achieve lofty goals.

Rather than being afraid Quinn and the DevMasters (an AI Company) help founder lead businesses:

• Strategize how to leverage AI in their organizations
• Work with Data Scientists to determine opportunities in their data
• Partner with startups and Fortune 500 level companies
• Build Strategic AI Partnerships
• Develop and execute AI strategies in tandem with the C-Suite

How to get in touch with Quinn:
